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It’s not selfish

It's not selfish to change life to get you to a better situation. You don't have to see yourself through the lens others have; instead, you must know what is right for you and what would make a real difference. Change is always unpopular, and that's why it's difficult

Unpopular views

I have never been a fan of resolutions or well-drawn plans about anything. It's important to chalk out a structured route to achieve what you want, but you can never discount the uncertainty element. So, when I have to make decisions, the starting point is always an impromptu situation while knowing what I would want to achieve. It helps seldom, but I often revisit my decisions and plans. Most of such decisions have been an outcome of our circumstances as these make you aware of what a low or high point of your life could look like and how important it is to be prepared for an eventuality you wouldn't have imagined.  My folks mostly troll me for being fickle-minded in decisions, including my personal and career choices, which, most of the time, have been driven by high emotions over logic, and that's how I got wired over time. Am I sorted? Probably not, but do I know what I am doing? Perhaps yes. Will I succeed? I don't know, but will I ever stop experimenting? Never. 

A message to influencers

A message to my influencer acquaintances, please don't propagate an unseen, unexperienced ideal life. It's absolutely normal to be upset, down or fully exhausted; you will have good days and some very bad days too. After all, we are humans with emotions, unlike a machine with a restart button.   Regards Ankit 

Darwinians theory of evolution has a spin

-- Regards Ankit

New business

A new business that is scaling like crazy is the NGOs selling emotions in the name of charity, donations, and serving the people in need of money, treatment or a similar support. Clearly crowd funding has helped many people meet their exigencies but giving this a commercial spin is leading to several issues and now tele-callers dial you without respecting your time and state of mind and if you happen to reciprocate (assuming this is a job for them) , they make you feel guilty , and apologetic. We need to find ways to solve for this flourishing problem before we stop responding even to the genuine calls-- Regards Ankit

11 years and more to see , Thank you God

Eleven years into the corporate world today. Time flies just like that when you look back; these years had enough to keep me caught in this evolving world. Four cities, six job changes, 20kgs of extra weight, and quite a few missed events, which in hindsight, seem like the trade-off for what I learned with time. The journey continues for the next leg of experiences and eventful days as they come. Thanks to Almighty and my family for standing by me while making mistakes and missing many important days of our lives in my uncharted (maybe silly?) path.  #Gratitude   #happiness   #nervousness   #excitement   #beinghuman

Never wrestle with a pig

Contesting someone's logical opinion is never a challenge; the larger issue is dealing with the belief that has become a ridiculous narrative. A fallacy is compelled upon you as a religious ritual, and you are made to lock horns with people who wouldn't have an iota of understanding about such issues. So it's just like wrestling with a pig, you get dirty, and the pig likes it  😂 -- Regards Ankit