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Showing posts from October 28, 2016

Fwd: Check out this quote

"Just look at yourself and see, when you were five years of age how alive you were and today how alive you are. Your aliveness has gone down, hasn't it? Really gone down! With age our physical capabilities may go down, but aliveness need not go down. Even if you are a hundred years old, you can be as alive as a child." (from "Mind is your Business" by Sadhguru)

Mind is your Business

"If you truly want to unleash the power of the mind, the fundamental thing is, your intellect should not be identified with anything. Then your perception comes to such clarity that the mind naturally organizes itself, no one has to organize the mind. Only because the perception is so distorted, its function and its outcome are also distorted." (from "Mind is your Business" by Sadhguru)


Check out this quote. "if you truly want to unleash the power of the mind, the fundamental thing is, your intelle... — Ankit Gupta (@liveankit) October 27, 2016 from Twitter October 28, 2016 at 12:09AM via IFTTT