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Showing posts from October 20, 2008

Life is going and so are the crysis..

Time to write the 50th post of blog.. i have been writin less these days, bit busy, actually celebrating holidaysss... University is actually supporting me in developing the leave taking skills, in any company we get a set of holidays , these are given by co., a lot many regular workers get perplexed when they are not able to use them, this aspect of life has been seriously studied by KUK and they are specially trainin all its students "an art of using holidays... " , Its Oct 20th ,2008, 2130hrs, writin the final post of the day... :-):-) Well:-) , It ws an off today, Today , in morning , i checked the receipt of my course, it said, fee paid, Rs. 42116, i checked the course details, it said, tht i have been promoted to 4th year, MBA prg and i am bonafide regular student of university... i again checked the receipt.. it said , i m enrolled as regular student, Actually i was watching the receipt so neatly because a doubt came in morning tht i have taken admission in a corresp...

HR outsourcing :-)

One very important trend in the recent times has been the growth of human resource outsourcing. HR outsourcing is the outsourcing of peripheral but necessary administrative tasks such as payroll, benefits, education/training, recruiting personnel, administration, to realize economies of scale and achieve standardization of services. Organizations are fast realizing that they can't be all things to all people. So companies now, be it a software company, a service provider or a manufacturing firm, decide what they are good at and outsource everything else, i.e., focus on their core competency, and let someone else do the rest in a more efficient and cost-effective manner. Human resources outsourcing is becoming increasingly common... The number of companies outsourcing HR activities continues to rise, and the scope of outsourced HR activities continues to expand. HR outsourcing can happen in HR functions, like payroll administration (producing checks, handling taxes, dealing with sic...