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Showing posts from March 21, 2011

How to create a workable budget that gives you money and life?

The author is Ramalingam K , an MBA (Finance) and Certified Financial Planner . He is the Founder and Director of Holistic Investment Planners ( ) a firm that offers Financial Planning and Wealth Management. He can be reached at . "Modern man drives a mortgaged car over a bond-financed highway on credit-card petrol." Taking control of your cash inflow and outflow is the base for financial planning. Budgeting is important to gain control over your financial life, be prepared and avoid surprises, save for a major purchase, get out of debt and stay out of debt, expand your lifestyle, and to retire early. Thiruvalluvar, a much celebrated Tamil poet emphasizes budgeting through his following lines: Incomings may be scant; but yet, no failure there, If in expenditure you rightly learn to spare. (Kural: 478) Who prosperous lives and of enjoyment knows no bound, His seeming wealth, departing, nowhere shall be foun...