Two days left... there's a new year on the way... 2009 is on the way and 2008 is abt to say bye..!! Time to celebrate for a new beginnin and regret for the historic failures... Ofcourse regretting today wont bring those things back, atleast they make us aware of not repeating the UNUSUAL again... Thinking on new year is not something new, i have been doing the same since 2 decades..:) , i mean every year , the month of december ends up givin way to a new year... A reason to celebrate,tht doesnt mean i m thinkin new year in a myopic way by just celebrating it on one day(31st), if u look it broadly, u take a new year with a change, u think of making some positve changes, u plan a lot and have great aspirations for it..!! From the last year i m watching a new trend of taking a new year resolution, lot many SMSs come,tht demand me to write my new year resolution..i like to make resolutions too, some of them get fulfilled, not every resolution gets a permanent place in ur character... ...
Trying my hand on the betwixt and between moments of the life