I know the perils of writing this post given it could potentially unsettle the beliefs we all have. I am proud of my spiritual connection and also the principles that I have inherited from my family. I do believe in the divine force, but then I am not the one who would trade off the spirituality for religion. What I do not understand is as to how logical this colossal investment on the temple is and as to how important the song and dance was. I do respect the community sentiments, but at the same time, I do not understand as to why crores would be required to build this place. Lord Rama resides in our hearts, and would not need a place that takes away many things which otherwise could be used for the life he wanted all of us to follow. Why should the same resources not go for the troubles we continue to have as a nation and especially when every day the unknown enemy is testing us and causing destitution for a sizable population. Can't even explain the sadness I have ...
Trying my hand on the betwixt and between moments of the life