It was September 26,2008... a very stupid idea came in my mind... The idea was - Use my weblog(Blog) as a personal diary to pen down my daily activities... I started off in a off way, had a small target audience with me.. decided to write... wrote the things in a way i found myself comfortable... Soon wrote again... and the show went on... Ideas scrolled.. some were used.. some were scrapped... some were outsourced, i mean the ideas wre taken from you guys....Shared a lot of personal things... some wre not to be shared as i know everyone has his own personal life, who would like to read my stories, more ever my stories are nt tht appealing.... The counter kept on running... it ran with a great pace in beginning... then crawled to 4 figures.. today, it has touched 2500... 25th hundred of my blog... :-):-) sorry our blog, as this time u r contributin to it more than i do...i hve been loggin or surfin on the blog just to add posts.. if it has touched 2500 , it is due to my regular effort...
Trying my hand on the betwixt and between moments of the life