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Showing posts from July 18, 2010

YTD..EOD... EUGMP... CRAMS... NON BETA Synthesis.:-)

On my c-pad(Old model m2000 Compaq Presario)...I am writing after long...Have two reasons for it, which i'll like to hide from you:) Life is moving at a pace with work,life,Family,Friends each getting muddled in 24*60*60 seconds of the day.. :):(, Yes each facet demands its time, but as of now work takes it all:), and it is not wrong too... As at the EOD Work has to pay back something... It was the end of week 3 for my new journey that made me see few new words(Both in day and night): EOD- End Of Day YTD- Year till Date GMP-Good Manufacturing Practices and so on... Yeah, getting connected to the Pharma buzz, Things are interesting in some ways but quite exasperating on the other side, My dreams see me finding the cost of cephalosporins, SSPs and many more... The names that i could never ever see again in last 5 years, Someday a name came 'Pencillin' and i went back 10 years and realized that we are talking about the same Pencillin that was discovered by every Child...