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Day 5 # liveankit's logo unveiled...

Day 5 for liveankit, 615 visitors( the time when i typed it..), the logos for liveankit have been unveiled and i keep the finalization decision on u, as per the poll, i'll finalize the logo havin maximum votes...
The day was good for me.. bit busy full day, so most of the clicks on website today are by u ppl, i am really happy with the way u guys are reacting to my blog, almost everyone told me to add information, as it is meaningful(not talking of my personal storiesssssss :):) :) talkin of economy topicss) 

Thts not enough, i need your further support, Last evening i decided to be slim( i hope my photos tell u tht i have xtraa(Raise the power to 10) poundss... i wrote the same on the blog, I have been taking tips, two ppl are actively taking interest in this regard, the two cool friends of two diff countries Mandi Dabwali and SIWAN....

Let me tell u something in one paragraph :)

The last time when i went on dieting...
  1. Waist became 36 from 28
  2. Avoided eating butter , so started eating processed cheese
  3. Parents stopped me from going to mc donalds and Pizza hut, but they forgot to say about dominos.. (Hungry kya?? Dominos hai naa)
  4. Regular exercise... for that i downloaded Cycling race 2006 by EA sports.
  5. Joined Gym, Yes.. he had a SONY's Music  system, Great Dolby sound, hardly i could work out...
  6. Made a diet chart for seven days.. of which roughage had the majority, but no where in the condition it was written, tht u cannot eat roughage with creamy sauce...:-)
So, the consequence was = when i stood on a weighing machine on railway station( not my cityyyy  walaAaa) , the machine surprised me... " instead of written statement, it spoke """" Please stand on machine one by one, as it is meant for one person on a single trial""""

Now after 2.5 years, i have planned again , to be diet, this time i m serious and need spl tips, two good friends are giving tips, need u guyss too...

Well talking something.. The headline for tomo's ET is " India signs a nuke deal with France" 

Yes, Sarkozy(the French President) is on fore front, ahead of US in signing and finalizing deal... 

While the final lap in the Indo-US nuclear deal has still not been cleared, India and France moved into a new era when France became the first country with whom India signed a landmark agreement on civil nuclear co-operation.

India , prior to this deal was under the internation restrictions of Civil Nuclear Deal by the NSG(Nuclear Supplier Group) which have been lifted three weeks back.

  • France has become the first country to tie up with India  which covers the supply of reactors and atomic fuel.
  • The fact that France becomes the first country with whom India is set to do nuclear commerce would be an advantage for the Congress party and the United Progressive Alliance government 
  • The agreement as well as the role played by the French in getting the NSG waiver for India has been the result of growing closeness between India and France and with President Sarkozy 
  • The agreement with France not only assures fuel supply to India but also allows the reprocessing of spent fuel under International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards. 
  • The Hyde act of the US does not allow reprocessing and is the most important point where the French bill is more strong than US bill 
  • The agreement was initialled between Atomic Energy Chairman Dr Anil Kakodkar and the French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner in the presence of Prime Minister Singh and President Sarkozy.
  • The agreement will form the basis of wide ranging bilateral co-operation from basic and applied research to full civil nuclear co-operation including reactors, nuclear fuel supply, nuclear safety, radiation and environment protection and nuclear fuel cycle management.
  • Dr Kakodkar said that Indian electricity requirements are large and this would increase the share of non-fossil fuel energy production which is cleaner energy. 
  • He said that to get cheaper electricity they would need to work out a techno-economic configuration which would enable the use of local management.
  • Kakodkar said that commercial agreements between the two countries will take time as certain processes need to be followed. He said that it is not necessary to amend the Atomic energy act of 1962, and requires some additional licensing procedures.
  • For Indians working in France, these benefits shall be available even when the Indian company sends its employees to the French Republic from a third country.
So , a great news for INDIA inc...I'll be happy to see comments..

in the conclusion , i would like to say tht the deal will bring lots of positivity for India, Atleast now we neednt fear tht we are becoming a colony of US(wo to ho bhi ni sakta, US ko khud ke financial crisis yaad karao sabhi:-) )..In the celebration of deal, dont forget to make plans for me.. 

This is the final post of the day...

Good Luck... 


M_U_K_U_N{U_V} said…
aap jaise bhi ho waise hi ache lagte ho sir ji...

I think weak lagoge aap ,
waise abhi HUNNY BUNNY lagte ho.... OR WO HI Acha lagta hai aap pe
Ankit Gupta said…
Arey givin a try... puttin on weight is too easy i guess.. but reducing issssssss :(

same is the case with cost..

Too easy to add.. too difficult to cut cost...

Hunny Bunny.. Yeh to mastt sa naam hai sir..
ANKUR said…
are dude dunchya wry..!! weight to sab moh maya hai yar :P..more u thnk abt it more u get conscious !!
so chilaax..
bahi u thnk a lot ..itna schne k baad to u gonna get thin for sure..!!
Gaurav said…
good job Ankit...
keep it up...
Ankit Gupta said…
Hi Gaurav!!! do i know u???
Anonymous said…
nice name Mukun ji:)....Hunny Bunny:)
all the very best!!

yes.. i agree with sam... hunny bunny is a cute name for you!!
finally a nickname... that suits you so well!!!! :D
the logo with globe... which 1 is it....??? i wanna vote for that.

the locations you have told arentnt clear to me :(
Ankit Gupta said…
Hunny Bunny... Naam to theek hai :-):-):-)

Gooddd creation ....... :-):-):-)
Ankit Gupta said…
Guys... Poll is updated..!! it would be easy to vote nowww
Ankit Gupta said…
I m planning to add one highest comment adder prize..

what say ?????
Gaurav said…
no you don't know me....!!!
M_U_K_U_N{U_V} said…
SO Mr. A name chng kar dee kya aapka????

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