Social Responsibility...
n an organization’s obligation to maximize its positive impact on stakeholders and to minimize its negative impact
n includes legal, ethical, economic, and philanthropic (discretionary) dimensions
Legal Dimension...
n refers to obeying governmental laws and regulations
n civil law: rights & duties of individuals and organizations
n criminal law: prohibits specific actions and imposes fines and/or imprisonment as punishment for breaking the law
Ethical Dimension...
n behaviors and activities that are expected or prohibited by organizational members, the community, and society (not codified into law)
n standards, norms, or expectations that reflect the concern of major stakeholders
Economic Responsibilities...
n how resources for the production of goods and services are distributed within the social system
n Do you think consumers favor socially responsible companies or are they most enamored with companies that maximize profits?
chahe unhe direct profits nahi hai is se but it helps them to gain alot of publcty.. :)