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Flavorzzz of life in a new fashion... :-)

If u have been a reader at liveankit, i have been requesting u to write something u feel like and send me on mail... Does it looks nice if i say sorry everyday???? :-D:-D:-D for not writin...

Well I am happy tht Jagriti on the first request made to her, has contributed something quite meaningful and logical, based totally on experience, no theories and philosophies.. she has the following (In italics ) to be shared..


What’s life???? Is it all what u think about it????????

May be or may not b…

Now the ques is what is it?????

Let’s start from the beginning….

  • For an infant its food (or milk I can say) and his mother………… or if anything else is there we are unknown it’s outside our knowledge because what an infanot can do without senses.
  • For a child life just moves around his friends (doesn’t matter he know d meaning of friendship or not),his parenots, his toys,,,,,,n whatever else he like…..
  • For a college going life z all about his mobile,,,,,frnds,,,,,movies(mostly),,,,parties,,,,,crushes,,,,,bunks n much more……..
  • n 4 a professional its all about his work………promotion n little bit about his family,,,,,,,that depends.
  • A housewife life is about getting up early,,,,,preparing food,,,,doing all household works, d day passes…


Is this all 4 what we r living?????

I don’t know about u……but it’s what I think……

Last year was d most important year of ma life……I think so………

I learned a lot……d process z still going on………

The first lesson was……no one z going 2 b with u 4evr. “4 others u r just an option” remember that…….”

u r chosen or not,,, depends on u “………well not fully on u……it “depends on others too………”

Remember that----“u wl die in ur own arms”...

It always happen with me that I blame myself 4 anything that happened in ma life………………deep inside ma heart I know that wasn’t ma fault but I can’t blame anyone else….

Suppose any of ma friends cheated me……should I blame her?????

No, I don’t have that right, know why?????? Because that was ma fault that I trusted him/her.

Worse z d condition when d person left u without any reason………that happens,,,,,,,huh!!!

How can I 4get ma best friend “AS”………who was the most Important person in ma life……eleventh n twelth d most beautiful yrs of school life……..yeah she was d most beautiful part of that time……………….

I had never mentioned her name 2 anyone earlier except my near ones………coz I never want 2 blame her,,,,,believe me I can never…..n somewhere inside that hurts……

I don’t remember where but I have read it somewhere that “mainly past appears 2 b more beautiful then present because we no longer have 2 face all that…that r just memories…and…in most of d cases we remember d good ones………”

Earlier whenever I think about her d whatever supply system of ma eyes becomes active……but now a smile floats on ma lips………

Sometimes in life it occurs that sum1 very dear 2 u,,,,,starts neglecting or ignoring u 4 someone else……………….

Well I hate that a lot………

I have learned that after family your friends r d ones who help u in building up ur self-confidence………n they r ones who let u down mostly………

Being a Piscean……I used 2 dream a lot about ma present n future……I use 2 think about d best life 4 me………

During all is I use 2 add sum new people in ma life on d place of sum old 1s……………but m never k with that,,,,,i use 2 put a full stop 2 my dream world n started thinking about all this………………………………….

I don’t know how God feels okay with all these omissions…………..:-)

Anyways that’s his nature n I can’t blame him………

Sometimes I feel extremely bad when sum1 points out on my nature………as ma X-roommate or u can say ma friend as well as my classmate……use 2 say,,,,”jagriti badal apne aap ko……aise nhi aise kiya kr……she used 2 tell me what emotional levl is required in which situation………oh!...........

I love her a lot………..but in this case I can’t help it…………

Well that’s ma nature……………

2day I was reading a story in which a man was waiting 4 his wife in his new car………a person in shabby clothes came,,,,n stand near him…….after a wile d person in d car asked him if he and help……………………..

n the answer was mind-blowing………..he said-“yes! Don’t we all??????........”

after hearing that, the person was ashamed.

Yes the person is absolutely right…………Don’t we all need help????

The person having car was thinking himself superior. Why? Just because of a car??or some good financial status????

Well even with all that……doesn’t he need anything……..that’s human nature………he always want to become someone else………Dat’s a bitter truth about we humans.

Sometimes when I have some argument with my sister………a point came when any of us has 2 surrender…………………well earlier that was me but now……………………I just say

NO WAY!!!!...”

after the quarrel I realize,,,,I must say sorry but even then my ego or in my sense my self respect came in between………….

Its not just about me.

Today when we speak about the national unity,brotherhood and everything like that…..

Well, simply life is a continuous construction of experiences that makes you feel all the feelings of life... My life is nothing more nothing less than a series of experiences that have all flavours... We do like strawberry icecream, but ofcourse we need to taste the substitutes too...

The process is on... experiences, ideas, joy,love,tears,smiles, everything will come ,it'll stay, it'll go, will give me somethin to learn, something to cheer and manythings to forget...


Mail me ur posts at


M_U_K_U_N{U_V} said…
Nice sharing :)

The blend of life reformed :)

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