If u see the newspapers, this term is being given a great mileage after the SATYAM DUD… I would like my readers to know more abt it..
Corporate governance involves a set of relationships amongst the company’s management, its board of directors, its shareholders, its auditors and other stakeholders.
- These relationships, which involve various rules and incentives, provide the structure through which the objectives of the company are set, and the means of attaining these objectives as well as monitoring performance are determined.
- The key aspects of good corporate governance include transparency of corporate structures and operations; the accountability of managers and the boards to shareholders; and corporate
responsibility towards stakeholders. - While corporate governance essentially lays down the framework for creating long-term trust between companies and the external providers of capital, it would be wrong to think that the importance of corporate governance lies solely in better access of finance.
- Companies around the world are realizing that better corporate governance adds considerable value to their operational performance:
- It improves strategic thinking at the top by inducting independent directors who bring a wealth of experience, and a host of new ideas
- It rationalizes the management and monitoring of risk that a firm faces globally
- It limits the liability of top management and directors, by carefully articulating the decision making process
- It assures the integrity of financial reports
- It has long term reputational effects among key stakeholders, both internally and externally
Good corporate governance- the extent to which companies
are run in an open and honest manner- is important for overall market confidence, the efficiency of capital allocation, the growth and development of countries’ industrial bases, and ultimately the nations’ overall wealth and welfare.