Sourced from a friend, but is very interesting
Each generation brings a different set of values and experiences that can lead to communication problems. What can we do to bridge the generation gap?
First by being aware of a few social media nomenclature like FOMO. It stands for 'Fear Of Missing Out', the anxiety of the Millennials of missing out on what people are sharing, including the most trivial stuff.
Boomers are typically more hesitant to embrace that mentality, maybe because opening up means exposing vulnerabilities. So, JOMO is 'Joy Of Missing Out', the belief that non-disclosure leads to blissfulness.
Clearly FOMO and JOMO are two extremes of the spectrum and are bound to create the generation gap.
First by being aware of a few social media nomenclature like FOMO. It stands for 'Fear Of Missing Out', the anxiety of the Millennials of missing out on what people are sharing, including the most trivial stuff.
Boomers are typically more hesitant to embrace that mentality, maybe because opening up means exposing vulnerabilities. So, JOMO is 'Joy Of Missing Out', the belief that non-disclosure leads to blissfulness.
Clearly FOMO and JOMO are two extremes of the spectrum and are bound to create the generation gap.
Can we then not look for a balance between the two, the third alternative, JOVA?
Before we decode JOVA, let's note what Dr. Brené Brown, Research Professor, University of Houston has to say in TED Talks, "People with low self-esteem often feel unworthy of social connection and suppressing their vulnerability merely intensifies that feeling." On the other hand, people with a sense of worthiness are courageous, connected and vulnerable. Separately in her inspiring book, 'The Gifts of Imperfection,' she says, "the core of authenticity is to be imperfect." It's time, therefore, for Millennials not to get a feeling of imperfection but be more joyful, compassionate and loving. And therefore Not to Fear Of Missing Out (NOFOMO).
So, a meaningful human connection between Boomers and Millennials can be facilitated by the willingness by the former to be vulnerable and the latter to be authentic. That's the common meeting ground, JOVA - Joy Of Vulnerability and Authenticity! Can we all be JOVAs?
Before we decode JOVA, let's note what Dr. Brené Brown, Research Professor, University of Houston has to say in TED Talks, "People with low self-esteem often feel unworthy of social connection and suppressing their vulnerability merely intensifies that feeling." On the other hand, people with a sense of worthiness are courageous, connected and vulnerable. Separately in her inspiring book, 'The Gifts of Imperfection,' she says, "the core of authenticity is to be imperfect." It's time, therefore, for Millennials not to get a feeling of imperfection but be more joyful, compassionate and loving. And therefore Not to Fear Of Missing Out (NOFOMO).
So, a meaningful human connection between Boomers and Millennials can be facilitated by the willingness by the former to be vulnerable and the latter to be authentic. That's the common meeting ground, JOVA - Joy Of Vulnerability and Authenticity! Can we all be JOVAs?
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