It is high time that people own up to spreading this virus and stop blaming China or anything based on our political liking. While the last year was more about being cautious and staying protected indoors, there's no denying that Covid has now infiltrated into most houses(including us last week when we tested positive, thanks to God, our family, and friends that we are recovering and holding up well). If there is something that we can do about it is not to take it casually. There's a need for us to know all home therapies and potential cures, but at the same time, we must follow the right medical protocols, not resort only to the WhatsApp forwards. The situation in the bigger cities is not great despite being equipped with good infrastructure, economic power, resources, and great attention from media and government alike. Covid doesn't discriminate based on region, religion, or social status; hence, it is foolish to assume that the smaller cities or bigger houses can dodge it and escape. Some of us may be able to access the support machinery better, but the disease certainly likes to catch everyone who's off the guard, and our liking for Modi or Gandhi may not deter Covid from impacting our life. Please take things in your control before this virus starts taking decisions for you
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