I have never been a fan of resolutions or well-drawn plans about anything. It's important to chalk out a structured route to achieve what you want, but you can never discount the uncertainty element. So, when I have to make decisions, the starting point is always an impromptu situation while knowing what I would want to achieve. It helps seldom, but I often revisit my decisions and plans. Most of such decisions have been an outcome of our circumstances as these make you aware of what a low or high point of your life could look like and how important it is to be prepared for an eventuality you wouldn't have imagined.
My folks mostly troll me for being fickle-minded in decisions, including my personal and career choices, which, most of the time, have been driven by high emotions over logic, and that's how I got wired over time. Am I sorted? Probably not, but do I know what I am doing? Perhaps yes. Will I succeed? I don't know, but will I ever stop experimenting? Never.
A smallish change, but the most recent of all my experimental decisions is to go off Whatapp abruptly. A platform I always liked for instant messaging, something that got me significant friendships, affection, prime networking, and many times the source of knowledge, of late, bothered me and became tiring. The extended family groups were colored with the debate on orange and green, and my constant struggle was to explain to people that your fate decides whether you were born to a green or an orange stable. After losing out to the populist view, my first alignment with my wife was to get me off such groups and let me maintain my sanity. On the other side, the official groups in the WA started seeming similar to Microsoft Outlook. What bothered me the most was everyone's ability to penetrate my life anytime, mostly without soliciting the same. To a few, you could explain, but for several characters, it was beyond their understanding that being "Online" does not mean I am up for the call and available.
My recent move to delete WA wasn't easy, and I have no shame in admitting that, like many of us, I am addicted to the platform. It has been my go-to place for work, fun, and play for many years. Work-wise very impractical as it had become an excellent tool for business communication. I still wish to bring this slight change to push myself and test my limits.
What keeps me up for such stuff is that I am cognizant that nothing stays permanent, and there are always a few actions that the unseen superpower decides for you. With the news around the lay-offs and the state that the globe into, it is even more challenging to say that we have answers for everything. However, the realization that you cannot control everything gives you enough reasons to believe that if there's anything you can influence is "today," and that's where you can make a difference. All you need to do is make stupid, unpopular, and sometimes tiny decisions but start taking charge of your life.